A Few Ideas to Entertain The Kids Over Winter Break

Winter Break! That change in routine, staying up late, cuddles on the couch, a crowded house, holiday parties, too much sugar, and new toys! It really is the most wonderful time of the year. But when all of that gets a little bit old, here are a few ideas on how to get out of the house. Maybe these will keep you from singing that famous line, “Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again, “Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha”. But in all seriousness, have a wonderful winter break with those sweet kiddos, and make some memories!

  1. Schlow Library

  2. Discovery Space

  3. 2000 Degrees

  4. Holiday Lights Tour at Lakemont Park

  5. Train Ride at the Altoona Mall

  6. Playtime at the Arboretum

  7. Jumping Together at Get Air

  8. Movie Theater, The Wonka movie looks so fun!

  9. Visit Bellefonte Brick Studio, the Lego store in Bellefonte!

  10. Way Fruit Farm, Play in the corn and on their new tractor play equipment!

  11. The Makery

  12. Tastebuds Kitchen

  13. PetCo, My kids love going in to look at the snakes, ferrets, fish, chameleon and whatever else is there!

  14. Bellefonte Art Museum, The Makery has an art studio on the second floor with self-led projects for use during visiting hours!

  15. First Night in Downtown State College


Ways to give back this holiday season